Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Brother

Bright brown eyes that shine in the sky
The melodic voice and a lullaby
Interprets to me who I am
And brightens up my every day
He makes me want to play all day
I feel like I'm five
Playing all day
He sometimes troubles
But not so much
My brother, that boy
That's who he is

The Reign will Never End

Standing up tall and straight,
Leading the way is what you'll do
The reign continues
It goes on
But never give up is all they say

The hard times come
And slowly fade
But victory is ours my friend I'll say
The reign won't end
It'll keep going and so will you

The train stops for those who are needed
Those who are wanted
The ones who make differences
But just remember
Keep trying and trying as our reign will last forever